
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

LIST: Things I’m Incompatible With

LIST: Things I’m Incompatible With

- Birthday presents
- Australia
- Hats
- Alcoholic beverages other than vodka and tequila
- Perverts in Exile
- Share Subscriptions Agreement (those with clause prohibiting any commission based fee paid for the work done)
- Shoes any smaller than size 44
- Dragonfly (the club, not the insect)
- Boyfriends of my Exs (one sent me threatening SMS last night, i last saw his girl over a year ago!! for fuck's sake, gimme a break!)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

LIST: Books I Read Recently

i should really write a note for each one, may be later. the amazon link's there if you're curious.

- The Great Shark Hunt: Strange Tales from a Strange Time - Hunter S Thompson
- Lyod: What Happened, a Novel of Business - Stanley Bing
- Spies - Ernest Volkman
- Girls - Nic Kelman
- The Pornographer Diaries - Danny King
- Stories We Could Tell - Tony Parsons
- Yellow Dog - Martin Amis
- High Society - Ben Elton
- The Justice Game - Geoffrey Robertson
- Memories of My Melancholy Whores - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Our Man in Havana : An Entertainment - Graham Greene
- Pattern Recognition - William Gibson
- The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream - Paulo Coelho
- Hard, soft & wet: The digital generation comes of age - Melanie McGrath