
Thursday, July 21, 2005

LIST: Best Books I Can Remember


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the movie "Quiet American" but didn't finish it.

The book really is good? I like themes like that but never checked the book out. Seems like it would be my thing.

3:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the book is so much better. Graham Greene writes many great books, though i think this is his best one. Have you read any of these?

3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so bad at re-checking my comments after I leave them. Oops.

I read a decent amount, but have an addiction to buying too many and then getting backed up.

From that list I only have read Old Man and the Sea. Pathetic aren't I. I read Shogun (since you mentioned Clavel). I own On the Road and Fear and Loathing (never read),

I just bought Lord Jim.

Pick one on that list and I'll read it ASAP.

1:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

if you were for a quick read, i'd say King Rat. If you can endure, I'd say Cryptonomicon/Quicksilver(the latter is 3 books saga, 5000+ in total, but QS alone is 900 pages.)

if you wanna get a bit high, try naked lunch. if you're into american 60s, then Hunter Thompson is best.

I'd say King Rat - your dizziness in all consideration :-)

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot recommend anything from W. S. Burroughs or Kerouac.

The best Hemingway is “Farewell the Arms” in my opinion. I’ve read that one three or four times and it always keeps its power.

For anyone looking for a quick starting story, Fear and Loathing is the way to go. The first paragraph is so gripping that back in the 70’s t-shirts were printed with it on the back. I remember my aunt wearing one.

“Hells Angels” by H. S. Thompson is a solid read too and not full of the high jinks that his later books contain.

10:05 PM  

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